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Orange Ribbon Pinning at House of Assembly

November 28, 2019

The Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development, the Department of Gender & Family Affairs, in collaboration with the National Women’s Advisory Council and the community of Non-governmental Women’s Organizations in The Bahamas are holding National Observance of the Women’s Suffrage Movement from 24 to 30 November, 2019 under the theme: “Accelerating the Advancement of Women in Politics 57 years later”.

Simultaneously, from 25 November, which is the International Day to End Violence Against Women, to 10 December, which is the International Human Rights Day, there is observation of the ‘United Nations 16 Days of Activism to end Violence against Women.’

A number of activities commemorate these observances.

Today, in the House of Assembly there was Orange Ribbon pinning ceremony, and Intervention by Minister of Social Services and Urban Development, the Hon. Frankie Campbell.

The Department of Gender and Family Affairs and Zonta pinned orange ribbons on members of parliament.  The Orange Ribbon is symbolic of activism for the elimination of violence against women and girls.   (BIS Photos/Kemuel Stubbs)


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