Sanitary Requirements
The Department of Agriculture is responsible for the import of animals and animal products into The Bahamas under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act and the Wildlife Conservation and Trade Act. These Acts state that a permit is required for the import of any animal and most animal products into The Bahamas.
The Bahamas is a Party to several international environmental and trade agreements including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Plants and Animals (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and must meet our obligations to them.
The Veterinary Services of the Department is currently reviewing and revising all of our import requirements, fees and conditions at this time as a part of our continuing effort to keep abreast of changes in technology and recommendations by the International Standard Setting Bodies (ISSBs) such as the World Animal Health organization (OIE) and also as The Bahamas is seeking to join the WTO.
All inquiries with regards to sanitary requirements or applications should be directed to:
Director of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Darville’s Business Complex
Gladstone and Munnings Roads
PO Box N 3028
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel: (242) 397-7450/325-7438
Fax: (242) 325-3960
E-mail: [email protected]
An import permit is required for the import of dogs and cats and must accompany the animal at the time of import .All conditions listed on the permit must be satisfied or the animal may be refused entry or confiscated and disposed of as a disease risk. Currently, the application processing fee for a dog or cat is for US $10.00 plus 12% VAT bringing the total cost to $11.20. A veterinary health certificate is required at the time of import which should include certification that the animal is healthy, has an active immunity against rabies and satisfies all other health requirements.
Prescription medication is permissible to The Bahamas; however a medical note may be required. For information on travelling to The Bahamas with prescribed narcotics and carrying medications with over 30-day supply, please contact the Chief Medical Officer at the following address:
Ministry of Health
Poinciana Building Meeting & Augusta Street
P. O. Box N 3730
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (242)502-4700 (242)502-4877
Fax: (242)502-4711
(242)325-5421 (Min)
Canadian residents with prescription for medical marijuana cannot take the drug to The Bahamas because it is illegal. Export of medical marijuana from Canada is also illegal, for more information on travelling from Canada with cannabis, please see the link below.
For additional information, please call the High Commission