To visit or transit through Canada, Bahamians will need to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) at a cost of CAD$7.00.
For more information on the eTA, please click here.
Bahamians transiting through the United States to travel to Canada WILL REQUIRE an entry visa for the United States.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada is the federal government body that oversees all forms of travel to Canada. It is recommended that Bahamians obtain more information from the CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION CANADA website before embarking on any travel to Canada.
Bahamians visiting Canada require:
- Valid Bahamian passport
- Confirmed return ticket
- Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) – For more information on applying for the eTA, visit Canadian Immigration and Citizenship.
There are private companies who advertise assistance for obtaining eTAs for an extra fee. Exercise caution when using such companies. Companies offering this service DO NOT operate on behalf of the Canadian government.
Information on acquiring eTA can be obtained on the following website: