Bahamians in distress non-office hours, Ottawa Mission Call: 613-790-6801 , Toronto Consulate : Call 416-319-2517 Dismiss


Lost, stolen or damaged passports

Lost or stolen Bahamian documents

Bahamians in distress: Hospitalized, Arrested, Voluntary/Involuntary Deportation/Departure


Bahamian Nationals who need to return to The Bahamas but are without a valid passport may also apply for an Emergency Travel Document.
This document is valid for one-time travel to The Bahamas in case of emergency. It may not be used to travel to any other countries.


Bahamian Nationals who do not have a valid Bahamian E-Passport, but intend to undertake an urgent trip to The Bahamas can apply for an Emergency Travel Document.


This type of travel document is only valid for one-way entry into The Bahamas. It cannot be used to travel to another country, including Canada. Upon arrival in The Bahamas, the traveller must apply for an E-passport at the Passport Office in The Bahamas.

Application form

The Emergency Passport application form is the same as the E-passport application form.


USD $50.00. The application fee has to be the EXACT amount and only in U.S dollars in the form of a bank draft, made payable to The Bahamas High Commission. The Bahamas High Commission will NOT accept Canadian currency, cash, personal or business cheques or credit cards. Doing so will result in your application not being processed and/or returned.

Replacement fee for two (2) or more passport USD $100 (in addition to the cost of the passport)


Bahamian Nationals whose passport has been lost or stolen, must file a formal police report and obtain a police file number/report in order to obtain a new passport. In the event that a police report cannot be obtained, please contact the Consular Department at 613-232-1724 for more information.

Damaged Passports

The original damaged passport must be presented at the time of application. If the applicant is unable to present the damaged passport, a police report may be required.

Required Documents

See General Passport Requirements

  • Police Report (if applicable)
  • Letter of Explanation
    • Letter MUST include full details of events surrounding whereabouts of passport and details of time and place that the incident regarding passport occurred. All letters must be signed by applicant.

Application form

See E-passport application form. Please note: Application MUST be countersigned. Authorized counter signors include justice of the peace, medical doctor bank manager, or notary public. Counter signor must know applicant for two years or more.


USD $50.00. The application fee has to be the EXACT amount and only in U.S dollars in the form of a bank draft, made payable to The Bahamas High Commission. The Bahamas High Commission will NOT accept Canadian currency, cash, personal or business cheques or credit cards. Doing so will result in your application not being processed and/or returned.

Bahamian Nationals whose official documents have been lost or stolen, MUST file and obtain a formal police report to submit to relevant service offices in order to obtain replacements.

Documents such as original Bahamian Birth Certificates, National Insurance Cards, Driver’s licenses, and other government issued documents cannot be replaced at the High Commission. Document replacement requests must be submitted at the relevant service offices for assistance.

Please visit for more information.

Bahamians in distress refer to those hospitalized, arrested or under voluntary/involuntary deportation/departure.  Note that arrested Bahamians have the right to notify the High Commission of their arrest under the Vienna Convention. Note also that the High Commission does not provide legal representation for detained Bahamians, but it can ensure that:

  • The detainee is being treated fairly
  • The family members in The Bahamas are notified
  • The detainee is being given access to the legal due process

It is the responsibility of the detainee and/or his/her family members to seek legal advice.

It should be noted that The Bahamas High Commission cannot intervene on behalf of a Bahamian in distress (incarcerated or in hospital)

unless consular services is requested by the individual.

Emergency Contact

Tel: 613-790-6801


For non-urgent matters, please contact the Bahamas High Commission during regular operating hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Tel: 613-232-1724

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